Fernando Thompson Bandeira

A lawyer admitted to the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB), Section of the State of Rio de Janeiro in 1992, registered under number 77.243, he is graduated by Candido Mendes University. He became specialized in Criminal Law by a post-graduation degree in Criminal Law at Candido Mendes University. He coursed a Master Degree in Criminology and Criminal Law at Candido Mendes University. Currently he courses a Master Degree in Constitutional Procedural Law at Universidad Nacional Lomas de Zamora, Argentina.

He was an intern at the Ulhôa Canto, Rezende e Guerra law office in the second semester of 1989 and trainee at Price Waterhouse in 1990. With two and a half years of experience at the Antônio Evaristo de Moraes Filho e George Tavares law office (1991 to 1993) and six months at the Luís Guilherme Vieira law office, he founded, in 1994, the Thompson Advogados office.

He taught Criminal Law at the Escola Superior de Advocacia – ESA. He occupied the positions of Juridical Practice Internship Instructor and Professor of Forensic  Practice II during the period of March 2000 until October 2001, and  he currently teaches Processual Penal Law at UCAM-Ipanema. He also taught the subject of “Crimes Against the Financial and Tax Order” at the post-graduation course “A Vez do Mestre”, at Candido Mendes University.

He was a Delegate of the Commission of Human Rights and Judiciary Assistance of the Section of the Brazilian Bar Association, Section of the State of Rio de Janeiro, in 1996. He is a member of the Permanent Commission of Penal Law of the Institute of Lawyers of Brazil and of the Association Internationale de Droit Pénal- AIDP (member number M3964). He performs the technical revision of the translations of books by American writer John Grisham, published by Rocco publishing company.

Foreign language: English – graduated by Instituto Brasil Estados Unidos – IBEU in 1989.